Neeraj Pandey, who earlier directed terrific films based on real events, A Wednesday & Special Chabbis, has shown enough competency in his latest espionage venture, BABY. His story is both gripping and powerful which focuses on a mission taken up by a team termed as BABY, an Indian Security Agency to protect India from terrorists across the border. Its crisp pacing coupled with fast actions and engaging thrilling portions work in favour of the movie. And although, its not exactly perfect, there are so many things in the film that deserve praise.
* Smart and Tight Storytelling
* Several Edge of the seat moments
* First rate performance by Akshay Kumar who rises up once again after Special Chabbis, in delivering a hard hitting, compelling act.
* Impressive enactment by veterans like Danny Denzgoppa and Anupam Kher
* Some genuinely quirky humorous moments
* Fabulous cinematography and action scenes
* Moreover, Director's solid command over the entire film. Its commendable!
BABY however slips occasionally.
* The movie falters towards the climax in the sense that its suspense doesn't enthrall much. It could have been better.
* A bit lengthy second half which could have been neatly edited.
* Not a complete ensemble show as apart from Akshay primarily and Danny & Anupam to some extent, no other actors have that significant role to excel. Particularly, Fine actor like KK Menon has nothing much to do.
Thus barring these few loopholes, BABY is an arresting thriller that succeeds in making you feel amaze. Its an another striking flick(although not as good as his previous 2 gems) from a brave and intellectual filmmaker. Also it happens to be Akshay Kumar's superlative effort, easily amongst his finest works. Hope he does films like Special Chabbis and BABY more over forgettable sloppy entertainers.
My Rating - 3.5/5
Its worth watching for sure!
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